Predator Fun Park, Batu, East Java

I remember that time when I have nothing left to do in Malang since my thesis finished early and I only had to wait for graduation ceremony, but my friends were still so busy cathing up with their thesis. I was bored! So many places to visit in Malang yet I just sat in my room, running out of books to read (since I devoured all my to-be-read in a short time because reading was the only activities I do beside survival activity like eating), and surfed the internet but had no idea what to surf. 
So, me and my bestfriend decided to give a shot to Predator Fun Park, since not so much people talked about it yet, and I always had this urge toward predator. They just amaze me so much.
It's located in (like other exciting place near Malang) Batu. From my place, we had to take public transportation code AL or LG or anything ended up in Landungsari Terminal. Then we took the car in yellow destination to Batu. They have no code, this one. Just the colour. I can't tell you where exactly you should take off, just ask the driver to stop in the intersection toward Predator Fun Park. They knew it. Well, you still have to walk like one kilometers to reach the place. 
Or you can always order an Uber. 

The first thing they show you was this science fair theme museum filled with facts about predators, mostly crocodile. And, do you know that baby crocodile can change their gender depends of the temperature surround them? Well, that's a fact!
Crocodiles were the species mostly shown in here. 
Besides reptiles, they also have some enermous fish, which happens to be predators too. And they let you feed them with small fish using this fshing-equipment alike. Only if you pay five thousand rupiahs. It was a fun experience, and quiet surprising and terrifying in the same time, since the fishes had the tendency to jump for the food  even before the food touch the water. And those fishes, were really big, I tell you again. 
And they had this Coldplay-music-video-vibe tiles at the end of the flow
But, to be honest, I think that the place still need more things to show. The concept of showing the beauty of predators is already an intriguing concept, it's just too bad that the zoo looks more like Reptile fun park, instead of what it was actually named. Don't judge me wrong. I did like seeing those crocodiles, but crocodiles have this tendency to stay still when humans are near them. I also didn't mean to recommend an exploitation toward animals. I just mean, they need more animals to show. More predators. More fun fact. More attraction, maybe some kind of a mini theatre showing Discovery Chanel about the life of predators. Or stuff

There are still plenty rooms for improvement.
