Guys, I think I'm in Love (Tribute Post to The 1975)

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The first time I heard Girls was from an unknown radio that just happened to be aired inside a mall. I fall straight to the beat, since I couldn't understand anything the singer said. That time I thought people don't make music with that kind of beat anymore, or at least not the ones I heard daily in the radio. So I searched it up. And I was actually misheard the band's name. I typed The 1879 instead of The 1975. Like any other occasions when I found a great song in public, I searched it up to find the lyrics. The lyric is usually 83 percent of the reason why I love one song. When I read the lyric, I actually laughed, not in a negative way. In the contrary, I found that the lyric was so honest, covered in a beautiful blanket of decent vocabulary, and the beat... again it's amazing. I still listen to the song until today, in repeat!
Then I listened to Chocolate, and almost thought that the song was literally about chocolate until he mentioned the boys in the blue... and got confused. Because here, cops don't wear blue guys, they wear grey. But after that cultural roaming, I understand what it was about, and laughed again, Whoever wrote this must has a great personality. And the beat, once again. The beat is not something from today's radio music I guess. After hearing two beautiful songs, I was convinced to searched up the creator behind them. And there they are

Adam Hann, George Daniel, Matty Healey, Ross MacDonald

And after, it was never the same anymore. 
Of course Matty was the first person I fell for, since he was the spokesman of the band in almost all interview. And like every other person who also fell for him, I think he's not just physically attractive, but also verbally. He got this thing with words. And for a person coming from a place where English is not my first language, at first I got confused with his vocabulary, confused and amazed at the same time. 

Then I observed more of their live performance on youtube. And I saw The Sound live, and fell for Adam! He looks so quiet in interviews, but yet so outgoing once he hold that friggin guitar. Man, he IS the man with passion I always adore. And I saw this intimate accoustic performance of Somebody Else in one radio, when it was only Matty and Adam, and I just fell even deeper with Adam. 

And then in one interview with Radio 1 telling about their whole story, I heard George talked so much and I realize, he has a great talking voice. And this childlike personality that peeks through his voice was so cute! Did I just said cute to the coolest drummer ever? Man... I figured George was so talented in producing music. And of course I fell

Until I heard Ross start talking. I saw this interview with Coup de Main, where the boys playing this card games, and I get this fatherly figure, like the rock in the group, from Ross. He rarely speaks, but when he does, I think we can all spot that he does. 

And... I think I use 'and' way too much in this post. The point is, guys, you should listen to them! YOU SHOULD!!!!

All Attempts to Define Love : How it should be

Leave the boring definition in your textbook where they belong. I want to define it the way I experienced it. For those with skeptical mind toward any kind of romance, don't expect this post will change your mind. Because it won't,  and no post ever will. All statements was made solely from my personal experience. You'll find subjectivity and selfish point of view everywhere.  Well that's why I made a blog. To write all the subjectivity.
I have this childlike notion about how love should be. Like, in my head it always comes in stages. And in each stage, there is always this checkpoint where I asked myself,  'Will you go on?'. By that description,  it can be said that I have encountered that question several times.  Even I can bluntly said,  that one question was what made me out of love in many occasions. I found that the chronological order of these stages varied from one lover to another (I have fall in love several times,  like I sold myself too easily I guess). But I believe that the first stage have to be the same for me.  The first stage is what makes it love. 
The Jump
There is this song called 'Treacherous' from Taylor Swift. It said 'this slope is treacherous,  and I like it'. That song influenced me so much in how I see falling in love should be.  Like there was me falling in love before I knew that song, then there is me falling in love after I knew that song. What that line told me is that love should be like that one time you don't know what happen, you're not sure what'll happen,  and you have no idea whether anything had happened at all,  but you jump anyway. I don't know what makes you jump. Gut? Instinct? Belief? Faith? Or maybe impulsion? Whatever. The point is you just surrender your emotional balance to this unknown condition,  where the chance of getting hurt is usually higher than fifty percent. That's why I said I sold myself  too easy. I don't do this tip-toe careful kinda movement when it comes to love. I just let myself drowned and get myself soaked all wet at probably the first time I found someone beauty. 
Man, it is a treacherous thing to fall in love. But nothing safe is worth the drive, right?

A Party

I'm not a party animal kind of person, but if you held a party, but most of the people who participate just want to get it over with, then there is something really wrong happened. That's what I thought of this year governor election. 

Chatime Bucketlist : #1 Hazelnut Milk Tea

You guys must know Chatime by now, so I don't need to explain anything more. What I want to write is the fact that Chatiime has so much flavour that it is so intriguing to try the all for the element of surprise. When I say surprise, I really mean it. Because for me, Chatime has the ability to make the best beverage and the worst combination drink ever at the same time. So I think, it'd be fun to order a different flavour everytime I had Chatime, just to guess whether this time, I got the best or the worst.
I'm not an expert in beverages, so all the writing in this feature solely come from my personal incompetent taste. You don't have to listen to me and just buy anything you want. This is just for fun.

Hazelnut Milk Tea : Best / Worst
Taste : Sweet /Fresh /Awful
Better served : Cold / Hot
Sugar : Less / Normal
Better topped with  : Pearl / Grassjelly / Coconut Jelly / Red bean / Aloe Vera / Cofffee Jelly/
                                  Rainbow Jelly / Egg Pudding / Malt

Note : Don't mix it up with Hazelnut Choco Milk Tea because it's different.