Someone : You watched Game of Thrones?
Me : Yes why?
Someone : Did you see the ... you know... sex part?
Me : Yes why?
Someone : Wow, you're wilder than what I thought
I am so sad that people my age (I'm 21 by the way) in my circle, who watched Game of Thrones only focus on the sex part. I mean it was a story full of nasty political strategies, showing the darkest side of human, with the a lot of metaphors about life, using a historical background as muse, and you focused on the sex part? Why?
I read the novel, and what George R.R Martin try to deliver is something beyond the sex part. The sex part is not even showed vulgarly, trust me I know a vulgar novel when I read one, The novel is beyond what these people in my circle think about. Game of Thrones has never been about sex at all.
Okay, pointing on the reason I made this post, I'm in love with Game of Thrones to be honest. Yes the movie had a lot of naked girl scene, and it has so many part where women are treated disgracefully, but I guess seeing something part by part is not... wise. The whole concept of Game of Thrones is about life.
In the very beginning, the prologue, the story started with the coming of the White Walker -some kind of zombies that attack people. Then as the first chapter begin, we were shown by these political schemes, involving gold, power, fear, and even magic. There was always some Houses fighting other Houses over pride, gold, or this man want to marry this woman, or this man cheated with this woman, or this bastard, and that bastard, and this people fighting over home, over women, war here war there war everywhere. I hate war, but Game of Thrones really showed me the darkest part of human being. Human will do bad things when they were controlled by fear. Human will do stupid things to keep their pride they think very important. And human will do anything, even killing and start a war, to protect the ones they love. How love has never been easy in the world of Game of Thrones, like it never been in real life.
But there is one line, that Osha (one of the character), told Bran one day. That Robb's army were marching the wrong way. They should march north not south. In the south, they will fight human. They will play the politics, they will play the love, the drama, the war they think was worth the fight. But after all, the real war was actually at the north, when they have to fight the death. The real war that worth the fight is the war of survival against the death, but most of us got distracted by so many things around us, like wealth, women, and wines. Oh and don't forget power. But in the end, there is no power can save you from the deaths.
It's an awesome series! It's not about sex at all. Sex is just part of it, like it's part of life. It's a must read novel and a must watch tv series. And it has the funniest meme ever, haha search on pinterest!!! And despite all the critics on how it exploitation toward woman body, I think Game of Thrones has that side of feminism. All the nude women scene is the metaphor of how the world sees women, as a body to be enjoyed. Meanwhile, there are so many strong women characters, like Danny, Cersei (even she's evil), Lady Stark, etc -shows us how women really are when you give us a chance to be who we really are, just like you guys, we are actually human being with the same potential values inside us.
And the best part that this series got, the part that no other series I've ever read has, is that people die! Good, bad, children, adult, kings, queens, warriors, whores, they would die eventually. As a person who get easily attached to one character, at first I feel shock when my favorite died so early, the writer must be so cruel I bet. But I found out that he was just being realistic. Likable or not, we're all will die at the end...
Can't wait to read the next book. All hail George R.R Martin!!!